Play the Official GunZ: The Duel. Wishlist on Steam NOW!.

Ferld 99Lv.
Judita 99Lv.
Quest4ever 99Lv.
PewwPeww 99Lv.
LynckoIh 99Lv.


More 1186Pts.
Myth 1097Pts.
Just4Stre3ak 1096Pts.
SinCorpore 1085Pts.
Pulser 1059Pts.

Submitted By Gunz,01/02/2020  

Hello Gunz fans, we're having weekly exp boost playoff's which means if you spend time [Pvp'ing] Deathmatch, Duel and Gladiator Mode don't forget additional Snow Town's 30% Extra experience so get on and playGunZ now!