Play the Official GUNZ by Gosu Games, Inc. Download NOW!.

Ferld 99Lv.
Judita 99Lv.
Quest4ever 99Lv.
PewwPeww 99Lv.
LynckoIh 99Lv.


GunZ Legacy 1263Pts.
AntiTetis 1047Pts.
WeAreNoobs 1022Pts.
xixz 1013Pts.
OrtegaFk 1010Pts.

Submitted By Gunz,01/02/2020  

Hello Gunz fans, we're having weekly exp boost playoff's which means if you spend time [Pvp'ing] Deathmatch, Duel and Gladiator Mode don't forget additional Snow Town's 30% Extra experience so get on and playGunZ now!